About the Smullin Visitor Center
The Smullin Visitor Center at Rand is where you need to go to pick up your float permit if you’re entering the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue. Permits on the Wild and Scenic are primarily awarded via a lottery system, with some being picked up on a first-come first-served basis.
Your permit will only be issued the day of your launch. “Launch” in this instance, refers to the day of your permit allowing you to enter the Wild and Scenic portion of the Rogue. This distinction is important because you may launch your trip on the rec stretch prior to your permit launch on the Wild and Scenic. This means, for example, if your Wild and Scenic permit is for June 1 and you launch on the Rec Stretch on May 31, you need to pick up your permit at the Smullin Visitor Center on day two of your trip, on June 1, and you must float below Grave Creek and enter the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue. Logistically, we do not suggest you do this as it’s a bit complicated as it requires you stopping on the river at Rand, hiking your required equipment up to the visitors center, having them check it, and then hiking it back down. A much simpler method is to first drive to the Smullin Visitor Center with your equipment, have them check your equipment there and issue your permit and then drive to your preferred put-in location and beginning your trip.
Smullin Visitor Center address, phone, and email
14335 Galice Road Merlin, Oregon 97532 Phone: 541-479-3735 Email: BLM_OR_MD_Rogue_River_Mail@blm.gov