Lower Klamath
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Northern California, USA
Lower Klamath River Guide
The lions share of whitewater runs in California are intermediate to advanced one day trips. For total beginners or young families looking for an overnight or multi-day, there simply isn’t much, and depending on the season, sometimes nothing at all. The Lower Klamath bucks the trend with miles of beginner whitewater.
Based in Southern Oregon, Indigo Creek Outfitters is our preferred partner for the Lower Klamath. In addition to the Lower Klamath they operate on the Upper Klamath and Wild & Scenic Rogue. Learn more about Indigo Creek Outfitters.
About this guide
Due to excellent access, there are a number of different runs on the Lower Klamath. This guide outlines Happy Camp to Coon Creek and Coon Creek to Green Riffle, two of the more popular stretches.
River Info
Happy Camp to Coon Creek is a great mix of floating and Class II and III whitewater, with the exception of Dragon’s Tooth, a Class IV. If you plan on running this rapid it is recommended that you scout. There are also takeout options located up river from it which would allow you to cut it out entirely by making the trip shorter.
Coon Creek to Green Riffle is a milder section compared to Happy Camp down and has many large, calm pools and the occasional Class II rapid.
The Lower Klamath is a beginner to intermediate run. While this is considered a fairly mild river, there are still plenty of opportunities to flip, wrap or swim. As a private boater, make sure you join a party that has recent Lower Klamath experience.
You are not required to have a permit for a private rafting trip. You may be required to have a campfire permit though if you plan on camping.
Karuk Tribe & River Closures
The Karuk tribe is the second largest Native American tribe in California. Throughout the summer, they hold World Renewal Ceremonies along the Klamath which are highly private, sacred events. The USFS will close access points over the course of these events. For information regarding these closures visit this page.
Rafting the Lower Klamath? Our Lower Klamath River guide has you covered: 66 waypoints | Live, offline location | 9 photos
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Happy Camp to Coon Creek – Class II, III & IV
This is probably the most popular Lower Klamath section. The shuttle is easy, the rafting is fun, and the camping is spectacular. Top to bottom this section is done as a one or two day, however, there is plenty of access allowing you to start above the put in or continue through the takeout for many miles.
Mile 0.00 – Indian Creek Put-in:
River Right. This is the most popular and best put-in for this section. It’s located just downstream of the bridge at the confluence of Indian Creek and the Lower Klamath on a large gravel bar.
Mile 0.40 – Happy Camp Rapid:
Class II. Welcome to the Lower Klamath. Read and run, small wave train.
Mile 0.75 – Curly Jack Campground:
River Left. This is a large campground that can provide great pre-trip camping for those organizing a multi-day rafting trip with parties coming from all over.
Mile 0.75 – Curly Jack Put-in:
River Left. If you’re camping at Curly Jack campground you might be interested in using this put-in.
Mile 1.86 – Wounded Knee:
Class II. Read and run with a wave in the bottom center of the rapid.
Mile 3.88 – Rattlesnake Rapid:
Class III. First challenging rapid of the run. Pay attention to the large pour-overs in the center. Run left of all of them or you can take a more exciting line to the right.
Mile 4.34 – Devil’s Toenail:
Class III. Nasty rocks are located on the right, run left to avoid them.
Mile 5.00 – Mix Master:
Class II. Read and run.
Mile 5.22 – Funnel Rapid:
Class III. The river constricts slightly from a rock shelf coming off of the left bank. This is a read and run wave train.
Mile 5.33 – Trench Rapid:
Class III. Avoid the rock located at the top of the rapid on the left and then pay attention to the wall on bottom right.
Mile 6.96 – Wingate Take Out:
River Right. Vault toilets are available during the summer months.
Mile 7.00 – Wingate Rapid:
Class II. Read and run with a hole / exposed rock on the left.
Mile 7.82 – Upper Surfers Alley:
River Left. Hard to see from the river, this camp is located on top of the shelf on river left.
Mile 7.95 – Surfers Alley:
Class II. Straight forward read and run.
Mile 8.06 – Lower Surfers Alley:
River Right. The pull in eddy is located at the bottom of the camp.
Mile 8.25 – Clear Creek Confluence:
River Right. Clear Creek is a run in itself, which we will one day cover. This is a large, beautiful tributary with many swimming holes.
Mile 9.51 – Extreme Water:
Class III. A Forest Service map and a Pacific Corp document reference this rapid as “Exterminator Rapid.” This rapid presents a protruding rock shelf extending from the right bank across 2/3 of the river. Stay well left to avoid it.
Mile 9.69 – Lizard Head:
River Left. This is a nice camp.
Mile 9.87 – Island Rock:
Class II. At 2,300 CFS and lower, there is a nasty rock located left of center. Go right to easily avoid this.
Mile 10.16 – New Beach:
River Right. Given its close to proximity to Castle Bar, this camp is easy to mix up.
Mile 10.31 – Castle Bar:
River Right. Just downstream of New Beach, this is a smaller camp.
Mile 10.55 – Upper Bullfrog:
River Left. Camp features a large cobble bar with an enormous tree towards the edge of the camp.
Mile 10.71 – Lower Bullfrog:
River Left. The landing area isn’t as obvious as Upper Bullfrog, but this camp isn’t bad.
Mile 11.26 – Ferry Point River Access:
River Right. This is a large cobble bar providing lots of access. If you are looking to keep this run just Class II and III, then you should take out here to avoid the downstream Dragon’s Tooth rapid. You could go a bit further to Independence, but it’s not as large of a takeout.
Mile 11.39 – Ferry Point:
Class III. This is a long, fun, read and run rapid.
Mile 11.66 – Lower Ferry Point River Access:
River Right. Generic put-in information here.
Mile 12.52 – Megan Jean Riffle:
Class II. Small, fun waves. Right down the middle.
Mile 12.84 – Route 15N17 Bridge:
Forest Route 15N17 crosses the river here.
Mile 12.84 – Independence River Access:
River Right. The access is located just downstream of the bridge on river right.
Mile 13.02 – Bad Rock Rapid:
Class II. Go left of the bad rock located on river right.
Mile 13.95 – Crawford Beach:
River Left. Crawford Beach has a large sandbar. Locals call this Pipe Beach, named for the diversion pipe across river that is typically flowing. With the exception of the road being a bit low and in view, this is an excellent camp.
Mile 14.16 – Osprey Rapid:
Class II. Read and run. There’s a wave in the center, avoid the pour over / exposed rock on the bottom left.
Mile 14.82 – Sasquatch Squeeze:
Class II. Avoid the large rock in the center by going left of it. This is a good reminder rapid that Dragon’s Tooth is just downstream.
Mile 15.40 – Dragon’s Tooth:
Class IV. This rapid is nothing to scoff at, the rocks present a formidable challenge here. Pull over on river right to scout. The most common line is left of the first large rock and then back hard right of the second large rock. Flips and swims can happen at both rocks. The current helps quite a bit with getting you back right. You can easily walk passengers around this on river right.
Mile 15.78 – Peregrine Rapid:
Class II. Enter center and then work right to avoid the left wall.
Mile 15.93 – Volleyball:
River Left. At flows below 2,000 CFS, there is sometimes a perfectly flat, ideal volleyball beach here.
Mile 16.27 – King Right:
River Right. This is a nice, large camp.
Mile 16.40 – King Left:
River Left. Not as nice as King Right as it has a longer carry.
Mile 16.47 – King Creek Rapid:
Class II. Enter center then work right, avoiding the bottom center small hole and the bottom left rock coming off of the left bank.
Mile 17.05 – Ukonom Beach:
River Left. This small, popular camp has good access to Ukonom Creek.
Mile 17.13 – Ukonom Creek:
River Left. This creek is a very popular side stop as it offers an adventurous ‘hike’ to Twin Falls.
Mile 17.16 – Ukonom Riffle:
Class II. Read and run, there’s a small hole bottom right.
Mile 17.77 – Coon Creek Camp:
River Left. This is a good, large campground.
Mile 17.86 – Coon Creek River Access:
River Right. This is located across the river from Coon Creek camp. It’s a medium sized cobble bar with a large eddy.
Coon Creek to Green Riffle – Class II & III
A great trip for the real young ones, Coon Creek to Green Riffle is miles of calm pools and class II and III whitewater. Keep in mind that although just a handful of camps are listed, there are numerous unnamed sand and cobble bars.
Mile 17.86 – Coon Creek River Access:
River Right. If you’re putting in here, first check to make sure no one is taking out as the area can get crowded.
Mile 18.40 – Swillup Riffle:
Class II. This rapid is located just downstream of Swillup Creek located on river right. Read and run.
Mile 19.09 – Blue Swillup:
Class II. Read and run with a small hole / exposed rock located towards the bottom.
Mile 21.00 – Monolith Rapid:
Class II. You know you’re here when you see the enormous rock on river left. Go right of it.
Mile 22.82 – Dillon Riffle:
Class III. The river makes a dramatic left hand turn which is the entrance to Dillon Riffle. The rapid is read and run.
Mile 22.87 – Dillon Creek:
River Right. Dillon Creek enters on the outside of the river turn. Technically this is a river access point, but it’s not very good.
Mile 23.45 – Klamath Highway Bridge:
Highway 96 crosses the river.
Mile 24.64 – Blue Nose:
Class II. Read and run.
Mile 25.33 – Lone Pine Bar:
River Right. Located just upstream from Persido Bar.
Mile 25.76 – Persido Bar River Access:
River Left. This is a popular takeout for those putting together a three day trip starting in Happy Camp.
Mile 27.08 – Ti Bar Take Out:
River Left. This is another decent takeout.
Mile 28.25 – Rock Creek:
River Right. Rock Creek comes in here.
Mile 28.43 – Rock Creek Riffle:
Class II. Move left to avoid the right bank at the bottom of the rapid.
Mile 28.93 – Eyese Bar:
River Right.
Mile 29.38 – Eyese Bar Rapid:
Class III. A small rock island splits the river. Go left of the island and enjoy the Class II+ waves.
Mile 30.36 – Sandy Bar Riffle:
Class III. Fun waves on the right.
Mile 30.68 – Sandy Bar:
River Left.
Mile 32.92 – Double Horseshoe Bend:
The river makes two consecutive horseshoe bends here. The second bend is almost a mile long, and at the skinniest point, separated by just 500 feet.
Mile 34.86 – Rogers Bridge:
The highway crosses the river twice here in a short period of time.
Mile 36.16 – Lyle Davis Bridge:
The second bridge crosses here.
Mile 37.46 – Green Riffle Take Out:
River Left. This is a mandatory take-out because this is your last access point before Class VI Ishi Pishi Falls.