Rapid Rating


River Mileage

About Sock ‘Em Dog

You will want to scout this if flows are high or if you’ve never seen Sock ‘Em Dog before.  To do so, pull over on river right, just downstream of Squashed Paddler. To catch the scout eddy you must pull into the small eddies in the trees on river right and you may have to grab tree branches to stop.

How to run Sock ‘Em Dog

At regular flows, the entrance to the rapid is on river right, cutting through the rock garden at the top. Exit the rock garden with a left angle and start moving left across the rapid. There are some large holes in the entrance so be mindful of them to avoid throwing your line into disarray. As you run right to left, you want to aim to have lots of momentum moving left just above the Dog Hole, which is the enormous pour over on river right, above where the river turns left. There is a seam between a ledge on river left, and the Dog Hole in the center of the rapid. Shoot for this seam. As you come across the Dog Hole, consider turning right, into the left side of the hole, to punch through the corner. Prepare to square up to another large hole/wave at the bottom of the rapid in the center. At high water, 4,000 CFS+, there is a class IV sneak for the rapid far on river left nicknamed “The Ridgecrest Line.”