About S-Turn
S-Turn features a tree island on the left that forces you to swing right and then you must get back far left to avoid a Dr. Seuss looking tree. This tree is out of play at low flows, but as the water comes up, the majority of the current flows directly into it.
How to run S-Turn
S-Turn is not much at low flows but is consequential at higher water. At high flows, the Dr. Seuss tree splits the fast moving current. There is not a clean line to the right of the Dr. Seuss tree. The run here is to hug the left side as you come around the island and then move hard left to avoid the Dr. Seuss tree.
The photo above is taken at very low flows. The circle is highlighting the Dr. Seuss tree. Keep in mind, that at high flows the swift current is splitting the tree and you need to get left of this feature.