Rapid Rating


River Mileage

About Matterhorn Falls

This rapid is most often portaged. The commercial rafters portage rafts on river right by carrying the boats over slippery bedrock and muscling them down to the river below the falls. This is better for the clients to walk as the terrain is flatter than on river left. Kayakers and most private rafters portage/scout left. Kayakers can do an eight-foot seal launch into the river just below the falls. Rafters can rope boats through the rapid and pendulum the rafts to a small pocket on river left below the falls. There is a small ledge you cand scale down to get to the pocket. There is also a lookout rock above the falls that is a good point for someone to signal as from that point you can see that the rope person is ready and signal to the person holding the raft to push it out into the main current. The Matterhorn itself is an upward pointed rock in the center of the left channel. At flows above 2000 cfs this rapid can be run over the big rock in the center of the river. Above 2500 cfs the entire falls becomes a river wide ledge hole. Under 2000 scout left and choose a suitable line if you are brave enough to fire it up. There is a crease that runs from left to right that has been run and the far left has been run. Either way avoid the pin hazard Matterhorn rock.