About Mule Creek Canyon
One of the prettiest sections of the river, Mule Creek Canyon is a very narrow canyon with fast moving, hard to read water. The name comes from a lost mule that was missing for several years. With a steep gradient and walls on either side, this stretch of the Rogue is most magical. In the moments of calm amidst all the white water fun, be sure to look upstream and soak it in. Since the rapids in Mule Creek are back to back, there is often little opportunity to eddy out or create space between crafts once in the canyon. It is thus recommended to enter the canyon already spaced out.
Mule Creek Canyon has four distinct sections. These are: Wall One, Telfer’s Hole, The Narrows, and Coffee Pot
Wall One
Mile 21.09 Class II. Immediately after Jaws, the current flows into the river right wall. At most water levels a pillow comes off the wall, creating a nice buffer. Work to slow your momentum and use the pillow to your advantage to avoid a collision. However, do not work too far to the left to avoid this wall or you will be poorly set up for the following rapid.
Telfer’s Hole
Mile 21.23 Class III. Like all the rapids in Mule Creek Canyon, one leads into the next. Just after Wall One, set up an angle and push or pull to avoid Telfers Hole on river left. This is a nasty surging hole created by coarse rock, so be sure to pass to the right of it.
The Narrows
Mile 21.3 Class II. After Telfer’s Hole, the gradient continues to drop and the walls pinch closer, creating The Narrows. At higher water levels, the water here is swirly and demands attention, but there is more wiggle room. As the water drops to the low 2,000s and below, The Narrows become truly narrow. Read and run, but always be ready to ship and oar or bump a wall.
Coffee Pot
Mile 21.32 Class III. This is one of the most unique features on the Wild and Scenic Rogue. Its name comes from the boils and recirculating water that resembles (you guessed it): A coffee pot boiling over. Legend has it that no two runs through this rapid are ever the same. After the Narrow there will be a short section of calm yet swift water, and then you will enter into Coffee Pot. Do your best to avoid getting your bow or stern caught by a boily eddy on the left just before the exit of this rapid. Be prepared to ship one or both oars.